Monday, November 24, 2014

Forward Progress Being Made

I have accomplished very little this last week, but the week before was exceptional. And the icing on the cake, the ribbon on the present, the pudding on the mashed potatoes? I believe my partner has created an exceptional idea in the name of the publishing company. It works on several levels, including personal ones. It's simple. I am looking forward to making a go of it. Here is an example of the company checklist for any that are interested:
  • Business name
  • Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account
  • Copyright account
  • ISBN
  • DBA (ABN in Idaho)
  • PO Box
  • EIN
  • Bank Account
  • Social Media
  • Company Blog
  • Password Account
  • Manuscript(s)
There are numerous bullet points underneath each bullet, but those are specific to my concerns. Plus, I don't want to give anything away that might impede progress. The results of the research is invigorating.  While I have been working on an exceptional career opportunity, I am eager to get back authoring.

To put it into the metaphor I've been using, I thought I had an Author-ship, fine figurehead, strong beams, stout hull, taut lines, and eager captain. But now I see that it is the mere outline of a ship. These efforts aren't about making ready to navigate; these efforts about making ready to ply that ship building trades to make ready to set the Author-ship into the water.

Work to do, exciting work! Take up the hammer, chisel, and plane. Push the wood into ship-shape.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Direct and Indirect Research

When it comes to building a publishing company, I am still working on several categories of information in the form of both direct and indirect research. Indirect research involves finding information from other sources. Direct research is performing the experimentation myself. Most of my research so far has been of the indirect variety on marketing plans, business plans, publishing time lines, and the like. But I stumbled across the idea of crowd-funding a start up. While I am still researching that for a company, I've jumped into the crowd-funding environment. I want to learn the in's and out's for myself. I'll post the URL once it's loaded. IndieGoGo has some great advice on launching a campaign and I want to hit as many of the points as possible.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Continuing the Navigation

An exciting bit of research is going on. Learning about setting up my own publishing company. There are so many advantages, not the least of which is learning to complete the work necessary to bring the Authorship into port with her hulls filled with gold bullion. There are so many steps involved. The administrative part of this is the Assumed Business Name (ABN), PO Box, Bank Account, Copyright, and ISBN. And that's the initial administrative details. There is also the deeper and more important the planning details: business plan, marketing plan, legal paperwork, etc. This is exciting! And amid all of this, developing a variety of plots to hit the target market as gleaned from the Amazon sales numbers. And speaking of Amazon, I am delving into their recommendations for marketing a book. Need to have as many ideas as possible.

As things stand, this is the time!

Here is some of the initial research on Publishing Company -

Should I Start My Own Publishing Company? Good list of Pros and Cons with the following additional links:
How to Create Your Publishing Company – Very good information referencing ISBN

How to Start Your Own Book Publishing Business, with quite a few additional links, including but not limited to:

Monday, October 27, 2014

A Course is Laid / Plans are Made

In the interest of pursuing the dream of being a published author, I have been offered an exceptional opportunity. A gentleman and a scholar with a wicked sense of humor, JG, has taken it upon himself to team up with me. That way, we can support one another. Now, granted, I suspect this will be something of a lopsided relationship, but that just provides all the more impetus to exert myself to the fullest. My side of this relationship is to perform the research and write as many ideas as possible. The results of the research will provide information in directing my authoring efforts. The idea being to select a target audience and then connect the buyer to the seller. Right now, I am just going to take notes on what I learn from the research and track the plot ideas. I hope to publish those notes and ideas down the road. In return for JG's efforts, I am going to delve even deeper into my understanding of the self-publishing process. It may have changed since I made my first attempt, but I doubt it has been by much. The first two things I found in my research is that (as expected) it has never been easier to be an independent author and (unexpectedly) the income from independent authorship has been steadily increasing over the last months and years.

And so the sail are lashed down, and the men are made read. Shore leave has been cancelled. It is time to make ready. Too long has the Authorship been an easy target for barnacles. The time is now.