Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I Just Can't Stop Writing

I enjoy writing. I have no problems sitting down and writing. I have plenty of ideas, a plethora of changes, and a veritable palisade full of books waiting to happen. Towards that end, I have a blog on my weight loss. The primary purposes of my weight loss blog are:
  1. Accountability,
  2. Uplifting Historical Review, and
  3. Recreational Writing.
And since I have manged to write every day for weeks, I think I need to make mention of it here. Please check out:

More details in authoring to be forthcoming including serial chapters in a story I am working on. Once I have four chapters ready to go, I'll start publishing the chapters every week.

This writing thing rocks. I just need to figure out how to get it out there. Build some traffic. Enhance my writing skills. Push myself forward to be able to get things done. Maybe I should start with some non-fiction. There is so much out there that just needs to be passed along.

Grumble Lives on! Grumble Lives in me! I must get the experience and training that will yield so much more. But towards the idea of writing something of value, I present two goals for this blog:
  1. Weekly updates concerning the process of writing to record ideas, editing to enhance the presentation of those ideas, authoring to develop the well rounded process that leads to being published, and developing a relationship with the readership that they will want to return and read again.
  2. Weekly entries of something authored. I know this is something I have said just a couple paragraphs ago, but there needs to be something out on the blogosphere that helps me develop a readership. For more information on this, see tomorrow's entry (Thursday, December 19, 2013) in my weight loss journal, soon to be blog.
The nor'easter catches at the sails of the ship and sends waves slapping at her hull as she stays long held at dock. But the warmth of her heart still seeks adventure among the waves, straining at the ropes by living the dreams of challenging greater waves in the vast ocean.

Adventurously Yours,


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