Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Effort Towards Progress

Time to start putting forth some effort. Progress only comes from effort. I have a few ideas for literary work that I will work on and post here. Some of the ideas for work involve
  • Writing up some of the research within herbs and other supplements through Pub Med
  • Short stories
  • Poems
  • Expansions on any of several longer stories in production
The Authorship strains at the long-restraining ropes, hope overcoming exhaustion. "Away!," She calls. "Set a course, and let's away."

The charts are gathered once more.

Let's away.


P.S.: Reminder: Tomorrow is "Talk Like A Pirate Day!" Get your R's ready.

Ahoy! Ye have need, me fine heeled land lubber, of paying special heed to how ye be a-talkin' like one of me hearties. Avast! The bung be free and the courage be pourin' down our throats like Davy Jones be walkin' aboard this very night. So best ye be talkin' aright, right here.